30 November 2009

Lady Violet, I love you

I have recently obtained a fabulous new painting, Lady Violet!

She is really quite stunning, the photo doesn't do the colors justice.

I'd like to thank the wonderful artist, Mel, from Crooked Hue. Everyone needs to check her out.

My Christmas Angel. Yeah she's hanging too high on the wall, I know. That's where the nail was, and my shoulder was aching like always so I could not wield a hammer.

28 July 2009


Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
Here's a happy one for you.
~Dale Evans

15 July 2009

we should all feel so free

Mickey Mouse tighty whities and camo wellies.

08 May 2009


This totally makes me want to take a vacation. Ugh, I'm stuck.

04 April 2009

The latest

Another unfinished painting. I obtained a stack of wood laminate samples at the reuse market some time ago. I finally figured out what to do with them, almost. Seems like the edges need finished off somehow. Any ideas?

10 March 2009


Seriously. Stop snowing now. Damn you Al Gore and your global warming. Quick, everyone go buy a new SUV from GM or Ford. We can warm this place up and save the economy! YAY! I'm a hero AND a genius!

13 February 2009

Another Rat

This family is on rat number 4 in just over a month. First I bought 2 South American rats. I know what you are thinking, but they weren't as exotic as they sound. These rats were deemed unsuitable after 2 weeks of numerous bloody bites and were returned to the pet store. Next came the cutest, most lovable blue rat. He enjoyed spending time on my shoulder and never resisted being handled. Not once did he relieve himself on any of us here in the Scarlett house. Turns out he was not as affectionate as I had thought, he was sickly and died within 3 days. He just didn't have the strength to run when he saw that big human hand coming at him like an eagle's claw.

And that brings us rat number 4. Purchased just yesterday. So far so good.
*Note: The rat pictured is an artist's rendition of a rat, not the actual thing.

06 February 2009


I was tagged a couple months ago, thank you Holly.
Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I procrastinate, hence my previous post. And this one.
2. I HATE talking on the phone.
3. I could live on cold cereal and beer and garlic.
4. My keyboard is French.
5. I feel weird when my head doesn't hurt.
6. I'm the most unorganized Virgo on Earth.
7. I'm going to treat myself to a tattoo if I can lose 30 pounds. 9 pound down, 21 to go.

I'll be skipping steps 3 and 4, I'm lazy. Cheers!

Niki's Painting

Niki, I realize your birthday was 3 months ago today. And so you don't give up hope that I'll ever finish your painting, here is a sneak preview. Enjoy.

05 February 2009

Willie Nelson

Will someone please trim my nails?